Thursday, January 23, 2014

Introduction Post

  Hello everyone, I am Vince Fitzgerald and this is my first blog post for an on going research project that every student here at Champlain College is tasked with completing before graduation. For my field of study, Computer and Digital Forensics, it is my mission to conduct research that has not yet been done before and will help strengthen the knowledge available to others in this field of study.
Social networks have been increasing in popularity throughout the years. As more and more people frequent these websites, whether it is through a personal computer or smart phone, data is created and left behind that can be vital for a forensic examination.The social network I will be analyzing, Pheed, is a relatively new and extremely rich in content social network.
Pheed brags as being the all in one social network combining aspects from all major social networks. You can post text, pictures, videos, and audio as well as subscribe to live broadcasts. Pheed works like most social networks allowing you to follow friends, family, or celebrities to view their pages and vice versa for your own page. With all the commenting, liking, and disliking features of other major social networks there is large amounts of data being generated from this social network. There is also a pay per view option that allows users to pay for access to exclusive content such as an early release of a song or video.

The goals of my research is to:
  • Find and analyze the artifacts from Android application as well as web browser version
  • Find metadata for the various forms of media, commenting and other features available to Pheed
  • Find sync information between Pheed and other social networks 
  • Locate any hidden or unexpected data that maybe stored

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